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​​​​​​WV Reportable Disease Manual (WV Code 16-3-1; 64 CSR 7)

Reporting of the following communicable diseases is required by state law as follows:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Notifiable ConditionWhen to ReportHow to Report
Links in this column are to PDF forms.
Links in this columan are to PDF forms.
Local Health Departments
Links in this column take users to WVEDSS.
A   Back to Top
Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM)Within 1 week to local health department Report Form  WVEDSS
AIDSWithin 1 week to 304.558.6460 or 304.558.6461  Adult HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Static | Fillable​
AnaplasmosisWithin 1 week to local health department Report Form  WVEDSS
Animal BitesWithin 24 hours to local health department Report Form  WVEDSS
AnthraxSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report. Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA
Any unusual condition or emerging infectious diseaseWithin 24 hours to local health departmentSee specific agent report form. If not lis​ted or unknown, use the General Case Report Form​
Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardC WVEDSS
Arboviral InfectionWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
B  Back to Top 
BabesiosisWithin 1 week to local health department Report Form  WVEDSS
Bioterrorist EventSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report.See Specific Agent (i.e., anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox, etc)Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardASee Specific Agent (i.e., anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox, etc)
Botulism (Clostridium botulinum)Suspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report. Report Form (Wound)

Report Form (Infant)
Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardC
Brucellosis (Brucella abortus, B. melitensis,B. suis, B. canis)Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA, B WVEDSS
C  Back to Top 
Campylobacteriosis (Campylobacter jejuni, C coli)Within 72 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA WVEDSS
CancerWithin six months to Division of Cancer Epidemiology Registry Details  
Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi)

Within 1 Week to the State Health Department at Fax: (304) 558-6478
CDC Form VD-91Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardCDC Form VD-91
Carbapenem Resistant and/or Carbapenmase Producing Organisms (Enterobacterales, Acinetobacter bauma​nii, and Psuedomonas aeruginosa)

Within 1 week to local health department
Report Form
Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA
Chickenpox (Varicella)
(Numerical totals only)
Within 1 week to local health department Chickenpox Report Form​ (for reporting weekly totals)  WVEDSS
Chlamydia trachomatisWithin 1 Week to the State Health Department at Fax: 1-(304)-558-6478
CDC Form VD-91Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardCDC Form VD-91
Cholera (Vibrio cholerae)Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA, B WVEDSS
COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2)Within 72 hours to local health department DIDE Yellow CardCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium parvum)Within 72 hours to local health department Enteric Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Cyclospora infectionWithin 72 hours to local health department Enteric Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
D  Back to Top 
Dengue FeverWithin 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
Diphtheria (Corynebacterium diphtheriae)Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA WVEDSS
E  Back to Top 
Eastern Equine EncephalitisWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
EhrlichiosisWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Enterovirus (from laboratories)Within 1 Week to the State Health Department.   
Encephalitis, ArboviralWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
F  Back to Top 
Foodborne OutbreakSuspect or confirmed cases


to local health department by phone and follow up with written report.


contact local health department by phone


contact local health department by phone


contact DIDE by phone at 1.800.423.1271 or 304.558.5358
G  Back to Top 
Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia)Within 72 hours to local health department Report Form

Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Gonococcal Conjunctivitis of the newborn (within 24 hours)Within 1 Week to the State Health Department.CDC Form VD-91
Fax: 1-(304)-558-6478
 CDC Form VD-91
Gonococcal Disease (all other) including Disseminated Gonorrhead Infection (DGI)
Within 1 Week to the State Health Department.CDC Form VD-91
Fax: 1-(304)-558-6478
 CDC Form VD-91​
H  Back to Top 
Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease4Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card1, A WVEDSS
Hantavirus Pulmonary SyndromeWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, postdiarrhealWithin 24 hours to local health department WVEDSS Foodborne Disease ReportCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Hepatitis A3, acuteWithin 24 hours to local health department Report FormPositive IgM2 by copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Hepatitis B3, acute or perinatalWithin 24 hours to local health department Report Form (acute)

Report Form (perinatal) m
Positive anti-HBc IgM or HBsAg2 by copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Hepatitis C​, acute

Within 1 week to the State Health Department at Fax: (304) 558-6487

Report Form Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Hepatitis C, chronic

1 week to the 

State Health Department at Fax: (304) 558-6487
Not applicable Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card
Hepatitis C, Perinatal
Within 1 week to the State Health Department at Fax: (304) 558-6487
​​Report Form
​Copy of lab report 
​Copy of lab report
Hepatitis Delta3Within 24 hours to local health departmentHepatitis Case ReportCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card2 WVEDSS
HIV (within 30 days) Within 1 Week to the State Health Department to 304.558.6460 or 304.558.6461.CDC Adult HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report CDC Adult HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Static | Fillable
I  Back to Top 
Influenza (positive laboratory results by immunofluorescence,culture or PCR, only )Within 1 Week


(304)-558-5358 or (800)423-1271

fax: (304)558-8736

 Not applicable  

Within 1 week to DIDE

(304)558-5358 or (800)423-1271

 fax: (304)558-8736

 Not applicable
Influenza-related death in an individual less than 18 years of ageWithin 1 week to local health department Report Form (pedatric death)WVEDSS
Novel influenza infection, animal or humanSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with additional information as requested Report Form (novel)
Suspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with additional information as requested WVEDSS
Intentional exposure to an infectious agent or biological toxinSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with additional information as requestedSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with additional information as requestedSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with additional information as requestedSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to DIDE by phone (304)558-5358 or (800)423-1271 and follow up with additional information as requested
L  Back to Top 
LaCrosse Encephalitis (California Group) Within 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
LegionellosisWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
LeptospirosisWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Listeriosis (Listeria monocytogenes)Within 72 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA WVEDSS
Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi)Within 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
M  Back to Top 
MalariaWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Meningococcal Disease, Invasive (Neisseria meningitidis)Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
MERS coronavirus infectionSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report.

Report Form

Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA, B


MonkeypoxSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report. Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA WVEDSS
MumpsWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardC WVEDSS
O  Back to Top 

Orthopox Infection



See specific agentSee specific agentSee specific agentSee specific agent
Outbreaks or cluster of any illness or condition, suspect or confirmedSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with additional information as requested Suspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with additional information as requestedSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with additional information as requested Suspect or confirmed cases immediately to DIDE by phone (304)558-5358 or (800)423-1271 and follow up with additional information as requested
P  Back to Top 
Pelvic Inflammatory DiseaseWithin 1 Week to the State Health Department.
Fax: (304) 558-6478
 CDC Form VD-91​ ​and any related lab reports
 Send labs to PID diagnosis
 CDC Form VD-91​ and any related lab reports
Pertussis (Whooping Cough Bordetella pertussis)Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Plague (Yersinia pestis)Suspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report. Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card
PoliomyelitisWithin 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA, B WVEDSS
Psittacosis (Chlamydophila psittaci)Within 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Q  Back to Top 
Q-Fever(Coxiella burnetii)Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
  Back to Top 
Rabies, human
Within 24 hours to local health department by phone and follow up with written report. Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS

Rabies, animal

Within 24 hours to local health department WV OLS Rabies Test SubmissionCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WV OLS Rabies Test Submission
RSV-related death in an individual 5 years of age or younger​
Within 1 week to local health department
Report Form
Rubella (German measles)Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
Rubella Congenital SyndromeWithin 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
Rubeola (Measles)Suspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report. Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
S  Back to Top 
(except Typhoid Fever)
Within 72 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card1, A WVEDSS
SARS coronavirus infection

Within 72 hours to local health department​6


Copy of lab report


Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC)2 Including but not limited to E. Coli 0157:H7Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA WVEDSS
(Shigella dysenteriae, S. boydii, S. flexneri, S. sonnei)
Within 72 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card1, A WVEDSS
SmallpoxSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report. Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA
Spotted Fever RickettiosisWithin 1 week to local health department WVEDSS Tick-borne Disease Case ReportCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Staphylococcus aureus4 with glycopeptide-intermediate (GISA/VISA) or glycopeptide-resistant (GRSA/VRSA) susceptibilitiesWithin 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card1, A WVEDSS
St. Louis EncephalitisWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS)Within 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card1 WVEDSS
Streptococcus pneumoniae4, invasive disease (pneumococcal)Within 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card1, A WVEDSS
Syphilis -- primary, secondary, early latent, congenital (within 24 hours)Within 1 Week to the State Health Department at 1.800.642.8244.
Fax: (304) 558-6478
CDC Form VD-91
 CDC Form VD-91
(late latent, late symptomatic, or neurosyphilis)
Within 1 Week to the State Health Department at 1.800.642.8244.
Fax: (304) 558-6478
CDC Form VD-91
 CDC Form VD-91
Syndromic SurveillanceDaily, by real-time electronic reporting. See ProtocolNot Applicable.Not Applicable.
T  Back to Top 
Tetanus (Clostridium tetani)Within 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Toxic Shock SyndromeWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
TrichinosisWithin 72 hours to local health departmentRepo​rt Form​
Copy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
Tuberculosis4, all formsWithin 24 hours to local health department Individual Tuberculosis ReportCopy of Lab Report Individual Tuberculosis Report
Tuberculosis Latent Infection5
(In the last 2 years or any positive in a child < 5 years old)
Within 1 week to local health department Tuberculosis Record (LTBI-Reporting Form)   Tuberculosis Record (LTBI-Reporting For​m)
Tularemia (Francisella tularensis)Suspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report. Repor​t FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card
Typhoid Fever (Salmonella typhi)Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
V  Back to Top 
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers1Suspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report. Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB
Vibriosis (non-cholera) Within 72 hours to the local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow Card WVEDSS
W  Back to Top 
Waterborne OutbreakSuspect or confirmed cases immediately to local health department by phone and follow up with written report. Immediately contact local health department by phone Immediately contact local health department by phone Immediately contact DIDE by phone at 1.800.423.1271 or 304.558.5358, ext. 2
West Nile VirusWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
Western Equine EncephalitisWithin 1 week to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardB WVEDSS
Y  Back to Top 
Yellow Fever​Within 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA, B WVEDSS
Z  Back to Top 
Zika Virus DiseaseWithin 24 hours to local health department Report FormCopy of lab report or DIDE Yellow CardA, B WVEDSS
1 Including filoviruses such as Ebola and Marburg and arenaviruses such as Lassa fever
2 Including but not limited to E coli O157:H7
3 Including results of hepatitis A and B serologies, transaminase levels and bilirubin
4 Including results of susceptibility testing
5 (limited to persons with a positive Mantoux tuberculin skin test conversion in the last two years or any positve Mantoux tuberculin skin test in a child less than 5 years of age)
6Report positive and negative NAAT test results. For non-NAAT tests, report positive results only
A Submit an isolate to the Office of Laboratory Services for further testing or confirmation
B Submit a serologic specimen to the Office of Laboratory Services for further testing or confirmation
CConsult DIDE regarding laboratory confirmation: 1.800.423.1271 or 304.558.5358