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HIV and Hepatitis C Elimination Plan

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The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) Bureau for Public Health (BPH), in collaboration with partners, developed the 2022–2026 West Virginia HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) Elimination Plan (Plan) using a syndemic approach. The plan was developed in accordance with the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to ensure alignment with the national strategic plans. The Plan provides the blueprint for statewide activities to address prevention of new HIV/HCV infections, improving health outcomes for people with HIV/HCV, reducing disparities and health inequities, and integrated, coordinated efforts among all partners and stakeholders. The Plan aims to reduce the burden of HIV and HCV in West Virginia and serves as a commitment to collaboration, best practices, and innovation among stakeholders and key partners, while also responding to the needs of people living with HIV and/or HCV as well as those at risk.

​​The planning and development of the Plan was guided by a Steering Committee and subcommittees which encompassed diverse partners and stakeholders. A Health Equity and People with Lived Experience Advisory (HEPLEA) Group provided guidance and insight to the subcommittees as well ensured cultural sensitivity and responsiveness throughout the planning process. A variety of tools were used to inform the plan development including facilitated discussion, mind mapping, epidemiological data, provider surveys, needs assessment survey, focus groups, and resource inventories. A situational analysis identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats based on the key findings, and these key findings guided the plan development. The Plan addresses four pillars—prevent, diagnose, treat, and respond— with each pillar having three goals. Goals, objectives, strategies, and specific activities were outlined for each of the pillars, reflecting the desired results to be achieved. BPH, Subcommittee Task Forces and partners will work together statewide to accomplish the objectives.

Stakeholder Implementation Kickoff Meeting - September 13, 2023

The Bureau for Public Health held a stakeholder meeting to provide updates and formally kick off implementation activities for the Plan. Presentations and updates shared are available in the links below.