Department of Health Logo


Vaccine Information Statements are information sheets produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that explain to vaccine recipients, their parents, or their legal representatives both the benefits and risks of a vaccine.

VISs are available for Anthrax, DTaP, Hepatitis, Hib, Influenza, HPV, JE, MMR, MMRV, Meningococcal, PCV13 and PCV 7, PPSV23, Polio, Rabies, Rotavirus, Shingles, Smallpox, Td/Tdap, Typhoid, Varicella and Yellow Fever.

Federal regulation requires that VISs be handed out whenever (before each dose) certain vaccinations are given.

Patients may now download VISs onto their mobile device. Law requires that patients be offered a copy of the appropriate VIS to take home with them after each vaccination. Patients who want to save paper, and who have a mobile device (e.g., iPhone, Palm Pre, some BlackBerries) that can display a pdf file, may now download VISs onto these devices to take home, rather than taking paper copies. Patients can CLICK HERE on their mobile device and click on the appropriate link to download that VIS. Providers should make their patients aware of this option, as there is no practical way to make the information universally available to potential vaccine recipients.